I love to walk. No, really I DO! Despite this picture I am really a very active pup, for a pug. I am so happy when my human picks up the leash and harness, places it on me, and says "Noodles, wanna go for a walk?" I am usually so excited that I run out the door, sometimes pulling my human along with me. After a stern word or two, I calm down and prance like a proper pug, stopping occasionally to check out something particularly odorous. And I am always sad when we have to return home because I am no longer on a walk.
One THIS particular day, my human (actually Humans as it was almost the whole household on an adventure) decided to walk to the shopping center A HUNDRED MILES AWAY (Human Note - it is less than 1/4 of a mile. Someone is prone to exaggeration) on a day where the temperatures approached INFERNO! That's okay I'm tough, I thought, I can handle this. I am a healthy and young pup. What CAN'T I do?
Um, did I mention how hot the sidewalk made my paws?
Um, did I mention that I am a pug and more suited to the fog banks in San Bruno than the toasty temps of the Southbay?
Um, did I mention I am JUST A BABY?
Okay, I had a tantrum outside the Jamba Juice and no amount of bribery would get me to move. I gazed longingly at the stroller (NOT brought for me, harrrumph) wishing I could just ride . . . a little. . .

Um, did I mention that I am a little
. . . spoiled?
But I really do like to walk :-)