Happy Friday EVERYPUGGY (and others)
First of all - to answer all the questions about my JUMPING photo. It is an animated GIF. If you have Photoshop there is an app for it. BUT Mommy does not have PHOTOSHOP (only PS Elements) so she couldn't do it. She watched a tutorial about how to make an animated GIF, though. But I am getting off track. So she GOOGLED
Animated GIF (she knew WHAT she wanted, just not how to do it) and found
Picasion allows you to download a series of photos, choose speed and special effects, and then it adds the animation. It is pretty easy and pretty cool. I think with more practice Mommy can make an even BETTER animation. She also took a photo and rotated & flipped it different ways. She saved each one so she had a series of six photos for the animation.
I decided to do a SHOUT OUT FRIDAY. Just cuz. Sometimes I come across something and it makes me wanna SHOUT. But I don't because I get PENNED when I bark a lot. So I came up with this idea to do some VIRTUAL SHOUT OUTS via Blogville. Let's see if it works.
BLOGVILLE OLYMPICS is almost upon us. I would like to give a shout-out to the Mayor of Blogville himself, Frankie Furter, for his tireless efforts to make these games a reality.
Also, I want to give a shout-out to all the events managers because without events - well we wouldn't have an OLYMPICS, would we?
I have entered TWO events: Corbin's Neighborhood Walk and Benny&Lily's BeachBall Game. I am having so much fun training and preparing. I think I might even get an extra MEAL for my efforts!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . What's that Mommy? No EXTRA MEAL for me cuz I am WHAT?????? Oh! The indignity!!!!!
My next shout-out goes to all of the BLOGVILLE and FACEBOOK PAWrents who have recently come to the RESCUE of some very unfortunate PUGGIES! Your selflessness and willingness to answer the call make me wanna JUMP all over you and shower you with KISSES! I am amazed and overwhelmed by your actions.
Finally I wanna SHOUT-OUT to my FURiends who are a little under the weather lately - Indy, Lola, Sluggo, Sid . . . So many of you. I am SHOUTING OUT a lot of JUJU to all of you in hopes that you feel better soon.
Happy Friday EVERYPUGGY (and others)