Friday, May 29, 2015

A Swinging Memorial Day

Memorial Weekend was full of all kind of unexpected happenings. This was one of my favorites - going for a ride in the car to an unKNOWN location. I wasn't worried. See that white fluff to my left (your right)? That's Molly. I knew nothing bad would happen to me with Molly around.

So we chugged along for a while until we ended up here -

Watson Dog Park

This is the closest municipal DOG PARK to our house. We don't go too often, though, because FIRST the grass all died and then the small dog side was closed and then the BIG dog side cut in half for restoration so a LOT of big dogs come into the nicer SMALL dog side. It was really nice when it was new.

We didn't stay long, though, because this is what Molly and I did the whole time -

Note: we aren't even in the dog park cuz we wouldn't
PLAY with anyPUGGY!


stellaroselong said...

We are laughing so hard.
stella rose

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD OMD you two became SWINGERS????
And after we JUST came from telling Chico and Shiver.... WHAT NICE LADIES Yente Ruby had fixed them up with....
Now we find out you are SWINGERS!!!!! Darned CUTE ones, though.

Samantha said...

Omgosh noodles swings! That is so darn cute!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Nothing better than a fun car ride
Lily & Edward

Anonymous said...

Well, it' looks like you do a better job in them swing then the little peeps do.

The Mad Scots
Pees: we really tried to divert some wet you way....but them storms move through like they are on a train!