Friday, June 30, 2017

We Have Selfie Winners!!

We have Winners. As promised, I said I would draw the Winners at Midnight and here it is! It was so hard to choose - we have some fantastic selfies sent in. All totaled there were 34 selfies and 88 chances. So DRUM ROLL please -

Ozzy for the DOG basket
Kelly Woods for the Cat basket
Please send me your mailing addresses so I can get your prizes to you ASAP.

(Sorry. I couldn't get the selfies to post)

Congrats to the winners and thank you everypuggy for playing along.

Have a SAFE and SANE Fourth of July

Itsa WRAP!!!! Kinda. . . SELFIE Contest Ends at Midnight (Pacific Time)

I love Japanese furoshiki

Here we are Pups n Kits - at the end of the contest. You still have until Midnight to get your SELFIES in for a chance to win one of two baskets. I will update my post as they come in.

It has been fun, to say the least. . . and I do thank you all for really taking the selfie to new heights! We received 34 selfies which is totally totally awesome!!!!

Now it's time to PUT ON your PARTY HAT and celebrate. I will be posting the WINNERS tomorrow morning as early as possible!!!


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Wow! The Selfie Entrant Numbers EXPLODED Overnight!

Selfie of me at the BEACH. Water is invisible
on the right.
I am so ecstatic with the response I got yesterday. Seventeen (17) new photos to show you. That is phenomenal! But you know me. . . I gotta CHAT first.
I gotta tell you about this new adventure of mine. . . for the past couple of weeks MY MOMMYS and I have been staying at Auntie B's OTHER house. The house belonged to Auntie B's mom (I called her Grandma H) but sadly she passed away last October. The house has been empty ever since but Mommy #2 watches over it.
When it was decided that my two AUNTS from New Mexico were going to visit at the same time, it was becoming a challenge to find space in our house for everyone to sleep. That is when Auntie B offered her Mom's house as a temporary solution. It was decided, by my Mommys, that it'd be nice to have a sorta STAYCATION and the 3 of us stay there. It was a good decision because it is roomy and quiet and ALL ATTENTION GOES TO ME. Here are some pictures of me at Grandma H's house.

The house is pretty empty. There is a small amount of furniture - mostly stuff Auntie B gave to Mommy #2 but Mommy has not moved it yet. The den is empty except for this original 1970s orange shag carpet. I have a lot of room to do something I do not do a lot of at home - PLAY.

What you CAN'T see here is my Yoda. I did not even know I had one until we got to the house and Mommy #2 pulled it out. It is my new favorite toy. If I was going to have a complaint about Yoda, it'd be he does not have a squeaker.

There is a nice EMPTY back yard where I can do my bidness without out complications. And, something I just discovered - there is a white peach tree. Now the peaches are not ripe yet . . . in about 3 weeks they should be. But some of them fall or are knocked off by critters (mostly birds). Know what? Unripe peaches are tasty. I tried one last night undercover of darkness. Mommy just thought I was enjoying some me time in the yard. In a way she was right. In truth, I was enjoying a little PEACH time.

I am really happy we are having a staycation and some time for our little family to be together and not part of a larger louder family of 6+.

And now for the selfies. I am adding blog links for those I know. BTW - I was informed that yesterday's picture of Pigeon was with Jessie and not Casey. Also, Roxy I know you live on the other side of the country. . . I was just joking. . . dreaming . . . joking. . . really dreaming. . .

 Daisy and her furless sister
Daisy Pugman
Elizabeth Brooks
Kelly Woods Cat
 Kelly Woods Dog
Mandy and huMOM
**Correction from yesterday

Pigeon and Jessie
Scooter Pugman
Tricia Jorke

They get better and better I think. If you have a blog and I did not put a link to your blog, please let me know and I will include it in tomorrow's wrap PARTY post.

I am loving this so much. It is one of the best ideas I have ever had. Thanks to everypuggy who graciously sent in a selfie - and keep 'em coming! You still have time to join in the fun. Just send ME your selfie at noodlesthepug(at)aol(dot)com!

And finally - Today's Affirmation

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Wordless Wednesday? Not When I Have Selfies to Share!

I got this selfie thing DOWN

Hello! Welcome to another day of the Selfie Contest. Beaglebratz Manor pointed out that the DOG contest date is different than the CAT contest date. I had to set them up separately and that must have been the default. I went in to change it and thought I had. Sorry for the confusion everypuggy.

BUT because of the confusion, I will accept Kitty  ENTRIES until the DOG entries end. You have 2 more days to enter your selfie. So prod your pals to enter in the fun - they've got an extra day.

Do I look PRETTY?
I hope you are all having as much fun as I am seeing all of these SELFIES. YOU have all outdone yourselves.

Here are the latest SELFIES

Pigeon (and Casey)

I think this is just a brilliant collection of selfies. If you hadn't noticed before, the names are links to their individual blogs. Please do stop by and visit them.

And as a reminder - here are the baskets and RAFFLECOPTER boxes.

Don't forget that today is BLOG HOP WEDNESDAY

And before I leave you, I just want to remind everypuggy that I AM ALMOST 8 YEARS OLD!!!!!


Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Folks! You won't believe what I got today! My very very first PUPACCHINO from Starbucks! That's right. I have never until this day had a pupacchino. I gotta tell you, it is EVERYTHING everyone has said about it. Creamy (duh) and Sweet and Delightful. I don't know why it has taken me so long to try one. Mommy #1 was at her internship as a Teacher's Assistant and Mommy #2 was picking up her (#1) breakfast. Isn't that nice of her? Well, she is a mommy and that's what MOMMYS do. I was with her and so she decided I deserved a treat for being so patient when all I wanted to do was go home and NAP.

I was very surprised. And then she let me try it. Just a little so I would know what kind of treat I was in for when I got HOME.

I think this expression says it all AND fulfills my TONGUE OUT TUESDAY requirement.


I wish I had MORE selfies to show you but this one is surely a winner - So here, pups and kits - all the way from ENGLAND. . . 

Why yes, I did have cheesecake. . .
why do you ask?

Don't forget to get your selfie to me ASAP at noodles the pug(at)aol(dot)com. The contest deadline is TOMORROW NIGHT at Midnight Pacific Time. No entries will be accepted after that.


Let me know how you are liking my AFFIRMATIONS!

Monday, June 26, 2017

Fun With SELFIES!!! Enter My Contest Today

As you may know, I am having a CONTEST. It is a selfie contest and I am asking everypuggy to send me their BEST selfies and at the end of a week (June 29 is the contest end) I will pick a KITTY and a DOG winner for gift baskets! I think this is sooooooo much fun and I wish I could enter.

But before I show you the latest SELFIES, I want to chat for a while about something fairly important. I am talking about. . . Getting along.
I think there is too much strife in the world. There is also too much finger pointing and posturing. Why can't we all recognize that we are all the same and basically all want the same thing: food, a warm/dry place to sleep, companionship. Once we all realize we are all working toward the same goal, maybe then there will be room for compromise and working together to a mutually beneficial solution. Imagine how wonderful that would be,

We were actually all being good girls here


So without further ado . . . here are the NEWEST SELFIES to enter the contest

Pepper, Baby and Mom
Timmy's cousins

 Artie (Stylin' Summer)

Auntie B's grandpup

 Miss Daisie (lower step) and Lady Shasta (upper step)

Time's a ticking away so enter TODAY!

Today's Affirmation

Friday, June 23, 2017

Meet the First Entries in My Selfie Contest - Don't Forget to Enter Today!!!

Selfie Tales - Sometimes I hit the button before I am ready
 Well FURIENDS - it looks like my selfie contest is off to a superb start!! I am so happy. As promised, I will be posting selfies from those who entered. I will TRY to do this as they come in. Bear with me BUT KEEP EM COMIN' as I love to see them.

This contest is leading up to what most people like to call INDEPENDENCE DAY but I like to call it MY BIRTHDAY. That's right. For all of you newcomers, I was born on July 4th. I am a real YANKEE DOODLE sweetheart. And every year the whole country celebrates my special day with picnics and FIREWORKS. I am not a huge fan of fireworks. They make me bark and I get a sore throat. But I appreciate the enthusiam, folks. After all, it is not everyday one gets to celebrate such a special BIRTHDAY GIRL.

I have not planned anything special YET, but I will.

AND now for the thing you have all been waiting for - The Selfies







I think this is an INCREDIBLE start to the contest. Thanks to those who have entered so far. Remember, this contest will run until June 29 so you have time to capture just the right selfie.

Molly just tapped me on the shoulder (a little hard, I might add) to tell me she too wanted to enter a selfie in the contest. I reminded her she CANNOT enter the contest as she is a co-sponsor of the contest BUT she is certainly welcome to post a selfie.

This is what she chose

Okay, that's a really good selfie. Why is she so good at these things?

And with that, I leave you with a WEEKEND AFFIRMATION