Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Begging is My Art and My Art is Begging

Please, please, please???
I am a WORLD CLASS begger. I excel at running from the farthest reaches of the house when I hear a cabinet opening. I am RIGHT there when someone is prepping a meal. And MY SPOT is under the table by the sloppiest eater.

But I don't stop there. I am known for my VERY VOCAL begging. I whine. I grrrrr. I nip at my right back foot even though it has done nothing to provoke me. I sometimes add a YIP to the mix when the human in question does not share. My repertoire for bugging people has no limit.

Lately I have been getting in trouble for EXCESSIVE begging. I am not clear on what that means. In my mind, if there is FOOD then I am begging. It all started when Mommy was using her magical Instant Pot to sterilize jars. I KNOW food will eventually go into those jars - how was I to know it was not NOW? So I ran from my comfy NEST BED in MY bedroom all the way to the kitchen to get in on the food! But there was apparently NO FOOD and  I got spoken to in a very stern voice by Mommy - AND escorted back to my room. It made me a little sad and confused.

I need a new tactic. Maybe one that is not quite so overt. Any suggestions anyPUGGY? I certainly don't want to get in trouble any more but I also don't want to miss out on UNSCHEDULED treats.

What's a PUG to do?


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Well......we just STARE and Dui rests his foot on HERS just to remind HER there are starving dogs in the house. But we think you may need a few more pugs for that.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Don't forget to use those big brown eyes! That is Hazel's trick along with barking and whining
Hazel & Mabel

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