If you recall from past posts, I have been having some, ummm, BELCHING issues. Nothing dangerous, mind you. Just frequent and, yes, SMELLY belches which made sitting near me NOT a pleasant experience.
So when
Chewy.com's April newsletter came out offering
The Honest Kitchen's Perfect Form nutritional supplement my Mommy said "WHY NOT?"
You see, when she was at the Expo West - Natural Products show she asked a lot of people at the dog products booths what she could do about my belching. She knew it was caused by something I had tested BUT she couldn't stop it despite the food change. So several of the "experts" suggested probiotics. They said that once that gut stuff gets going it takes aggressive treatment with probiotics to get it all in check. Some other experts suggested nutritional changes that would include those GOOD enzymes which help with digestion.
required close up of ME |
This was kinda vague to me so I LOOKED IT UP to verify these claims. Here is what I found out - we all need enzymes in our guts to breakdown food and make it work for us. These enzymes are sometimes already present in our digestive tracts to some extent but often the environment gets out of whack. When this happens, you need to ADD to the environment and get it working to optimum levels again.
The Honest Kitchen Perfect Form had the following ingredients
Papaya Leaf, Plantain, Slippery Elm, Organic Pumpkin Seed, Pectin, Papain and Fennel and are all natural sources for digestive enzymes.These enzymes work to breakdown food and make your digestive system a lean mean machine. And this also means that your food had a better chance of being absorbed and properly used by your body. Sounds like a good idea to me!
Yeah, it is a sage-y green gray |
The Honest Kitchen Perfect Form is powder and is added straight to food. Think of it as BEANO for pets. Although, Perfect Form has a lot more going for it than simply being an Alpha D Galactosidase that breaks down carbohydrates. Instead Perfect Form is good for
- Promoting digestive health
- Fights gas and the results of excessive gas - belching and farting (guilty)
- Can help ease symptoms of chronic problems like IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and colitis
- Can help ease occasional digestive distress brought on by stress
But the big question on EVERYPUGGY'S mind is . . . IS IT EDIBLE?
Well, yes it it! I like mine straight up. No need to disguise it for this pup. It adds a bit of seasoning to my kibble - a je ne sais quoi, if you will. There is a chart on the ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY package which tells you the proper dose for your pet's size. At each feeding (we get two) I get 1/2 a teaspoon and Molly and Sunshine the Cat each get 1/4 teaspoon. Now they are a little pickier when it comes to additives to their food so their doses are secreted into their kibble toppers. This way they eat it rather than leave it at the bottom of the dish uneaten.
The next big question is DOES IT WORK? Well, I think it does. . . at least for me. The real test is if I eat that food that gave me gas to begin with. But I don't really want to invest in that experiment. For the sake of time, I can tell you I am hardly ever gassy or belchy now. THAT is to the extreme pleasure of my Mommy. And I feel pretty good. I have energy and I am going outside to do my bidness like I am supposed to. And I think we have all shown a little better overall health since starting on the supplemental regiment.
We are a strikingly gorgeous trio |
So is this item necessary for doggies and kitties? Hmmmm, not really day to day. And The Honest Kitchen says to not rely on the product too much in their article
Balancing a Sensitive Tummy and make sure to take occasional breaks. But hey! Who wouldn't benefit from a properly working digestive system? I know I feel better!!
I am giving this product TWELVE PAWS UP because it is a good product that does what it says it does. To me it tastes good and is easy to administer. And I am pretty pleased to NOT be belching ALL the time. That just gets annoying, dontcha think?
** I was given sufficient product to test free of charge from Chewy.com. They in no way paid me for this review nor did they or anyone else tell me what to say. This is all my own good investigative journalism.**