And so we continue with our story about Bay Area Pet Expo. . .
I want to apologize for Mommy's lousy photography. So many fuzzy fotos. Sorry. |
Our next stop was in the main exposition hall. Now that place was BUZZING with activity! So many people - so many pups! And there were all sizes of dogs from pocket sized to gigantic. It was so wonderful and exhilarating.

Table ONE was our new FURends from
Woodrow Wear who make the non-slip socks called Power
Paws. Ms. Lorraine was NOT there which was a real bummer. We like her a lot. We did get a chance to meet some of her employees (but shame on me for not getting a name) and I liked them a lot.
I dashed behind their table to get some ME TIME with them. In the meantime, Mommy was checking out their newest socks which have a fortified FOOT. They protect in wet, cold, hot, weird and so on weather! Yet they feel and wear like regular (good fitting) socks! Love Them! You should go on the website and check them out. There is also a list of vendors who sell them. Maybe there is one in your town?
Doggie chic |
We walked around the corner and spied some really cool looking LEATHER CLOTHES for pets. The
booth was really busy and I didn't want to wait in a line just to ask a question (i.e. "Can I take a PIC with you?") so I kept on walking.

We saw some booths for doggie doors and training and then we spotted LuAnne (I hope I spelled your
name right) at DOGS on Deployment. She wasn't selling anything and didn't have any samples to give us. But we were curious about her mission at EXPO. So we asked. Well, she said, we are collecting money so we can provide boarding and other things for the pets of servicemen being deployed. Hmmmm. That sounded interesting. WHY? Well, she explained that often servicemen (and women) are forced to sell their dogs or give them up at the shelters because they have no where to leave the dog when they are deployed overseas. Donations to DOGS helps provide an alternative so the servicemen (and women) don't have to give up their beloved pet. I like that thought. To check them out and maybe donate, go to their website
After LuAnne's booth, we watched musical chairs (pets and humans) and checked out another row of vendors. There were A LOT of dog food vendors and I wanted to try them all. But I am a PUG and I like pretty much every EATABLE that crosses my teeth and gums. Mommy asked about ingredients, possible food allergies, PORTIONS, and so on. Things I NEVER worry about because for me FOOD is food and I will eat whatever is put in front of me. A couple of these foods were standouts, though -
Grandma Lucy's dehydrated meals AND cookies. All of their food is human grade and, in the case of the cookies, human agreeable as well. Mommy has EATEN one of the Grandma Lucy's cookies before
I am smiling ear to ear |
and declared it GOOD EATS! Well, she talked some more about pugs and their weight issues and MOLLY and her picky eating and. . . in the end we got samples to try out for ME AND MOLLY as well as for SUNSHINE (yes, they make dehydrated KITTY food). We thought it great fun to talk to the Grandma Lucy's rep (again, we forgot to ask names, my bad) and I loved loved loved the way she skritched my back and gave me snuggles and kisses. I cannot wait to try their all-natural food. You can find out all about them
Of COURSE I checked out the
PUG PROS booth and all the PEEPS in the booth gave me lots of lovin' and took
pictures of me. I was not too cooperative, I admit, cuz they had some TASTY TREATS on the table and all I could think of was I WANT A TREAT! Sorry Pug Pros people. But you deal with PUGS, you KNOW how food obsessive we are. They have a BOWLING event coming up - Bowling for Pugs in Livermore. I think I will have to check that out AND maybe talk Tiffy into joining me. She lives in Livermore, after all.
We also visited a MAGAZINE booth -
Animal Wellness magazine - and chatted with their Social Media person. She was very nice and full of all kinds of information about the magazine and
Animal Wellness Market, their new online Natural Health Store for pets. I glanced through the brochure and found a couple of items I am going to buy with my Christmas money. Just sayin'. Mommy said she is gonna give the magazine a try as she is tired of the Family Circle and Rachel Ray magazines we have been getting.
A couple more noteworthy FOODABLES that we visited (and NOT just for the FREE samples):
Jake Treats are a BAY AREA bakery that makes SMALL batches of treats everyday so they are FRESH
and TASTY! They call them "...people food for dogs..." and I can tell you THEY ARE SO TASTY!!!! I tried one. . . or two and I give them a HIGH PAW UP for taste and crunch and taste and. . . okay. . . they are just plain Yummy. The baker ladies posed with me and gave me hugs and never ONCE mentioned my weight or anything. They must know PUGS.
Elektras Dog Treats were really tasty and UNIQUE. The owners have a GREEK bakery (family business) and decided to try their hand at dog treats using the same flavors and some of the same ingredients used in Greek baking. It was a hard decision but I finally chose the Spinach and Feta snacks. OMP!!! I cannot stop eating them! They are so tasty and crunchy and superb. If you are at all interested you gotta try them out. Just click
HERE to go to their website.
Tuscan Natural dog food and treats captured our attention because we were wondering WHY? What sets them apart from every other dog food? Well the nice man at the booth was very happy to answer that question - it is all in the OLIVE OIL! That's right. Along with their human grade ingredients, they add olive oil to aid in protein absorption, maximize metabolism and energy, introduce natural antioxidants into the die, and to promote healthy skin and fur. He let me taste a nibble and I gotta tell you. . . YUM does not begin to describe this food.
We wandered around checking out the pets up for adoption and wished them well. We also SPUN a wheel for prizes (for a dollar donation). Molly won HAND SANITIZER for her Mommie and I won a gorgeous red collar. . . . which would be cool except they ONLY HAD BUT DOG SIZES! No way will
it ever fit me. I think I might pass it on to my pal Max - if he likes red, that is. While we were checking out some of the booths, I heard someone call "Honor Marie!" I turned around and there was my FURiend Honor and her humom Laurie! You might recall them from my past posts about going to the ballgame. They are awesome.
Some of my other FURiends - Fezzik, Bellatrix and Draego - were at the Pet Expo but I never caught up with them. Oh well. I am sure they had as much fun as I did.