Friday, August 31, 2018
ConeLess At Last
I think this picture says it all.
I have SURVIVED the dread Cone of Shame.
My beautiful eye is back to its original luminosity.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Dress Me Up to Pawty! #chewyinfluencer
This summer marked my FURiend Gerty's 16th BIRTHDAY and her mamas decided THAT was very PAWty worthy. I was invited to share this special day with them (and a whole group of FURiends) and boy-oh-boy was I excited about it.
As luck would have it, Ms Natalie from Chewy.com contacted me about an influencer opportunity to wear and review pet clothes - specifically a dress. What perfect timing, I thought! I was in the market for the PAWFECT PAWty dress to fete Gerty. So I said yes and before you could say GERTY'S PAWty, the package from Chewy.com arrived. It is always an exciting day when I get a CHEWY.COM box. Lucky for me, that is often since Mommy does pretty much ALL of her pet shopping online through Chewy.com.
After posing a bit with the box, we went inside to CHECK OUT the goods. This is what we got -
https://www.chewy.com/frisco-floral-dog-sundress-pink-small/dp/166316 |
Isn't that the cutest DRESS you have ever seen? I really love it. Anyhow, this dress is made from a stretchy polyester which is easy to put on and take off, although this is not a requirement for me. I am pretty chill when it comes to being dressed. Just have a treat close by and I am good to go. It also comes in many sizes from x-small to x-large so I was able to find the perfect fit for my PUG BODY. Believe me, that is not so easy to do.
I love the detailing on this dress. The pink bow says STYLE and FUN all at the same time. This is exactly the VIBE I wanted to convey at GERTY'S PAWty.
BUT - and this is a BIG BUT . . . a few days before the PAWty I scratched my eye. The DOGter suggested that I not do anything too strenuous and specifically not around a lot of other dogs lest they get rowdy and add to my injury.
I was not allowed to attend the PAWty of the SUMMER!!!
Nonetheless, Mommy let me try the dress on to see if it fit. There will be other occasions, she told me. And she is right. We often have places to go and people to see. I gotta say, the DRESS fit perfectly and felt so silky smooth against my FURS. And BOY did it look GOOD!! Oh how I wish the GANG -O-MINE could have seen me wearing it.
Mommy let me wear it for a while but other than laying in my bed, I was not allowed to do much else. Why wear a PAWty dress if you can't PAWty?
Chewy.com has a whole array of clothing at really great prices. I recommend you look HERE and see for yourself. The holidays are coming up and I am sure you will find something you love, like I did.
I decided that despite my disappointment at NOT attending GERTY'S PAWty this dress deserves
** I received free of charge from Chewy.com ONE dress for the purpose of trying it out and coming to an opinion about it. I was not paid for this review and all opinions expressed on this blog are MINE and mine alone.
Sunday, August 26, 2018
The Fairness of It All . . .
A Boo Boo Eye and I had to MISS my FURiend Gerty's 16th BIRTHDAY PAWTY because of it
So Mommy #2 decided she might as well go to Lake Tahoe with Auntie B WITHOUT ME
So THIS is what I did ALL WEEKEND while she did this
She went to the TOP of the mountain and looked across the lake and surrounding mountains (note the smoke from all of the NorCal fires)
I look like a FREAK! Somepuggy called me a SATELLITE DISH!
I may NEVER forgive her for THIS one.
Thursday, August 23, 2018
That Darn Cone
This is me in happier times. In GOOD EYE times. In NO CONE times. I did not appreciate them as I should have because NOW I am missing my freedom.
I want you to know one thing and it is a DOOZY - the DOGTER did NOT order me to wear a cone. He was totally fine with me free-wheeling it. It was MOMMY #2 who has inflicted this on me. She says I will be wearing it until I STOP rubbing my eye. But I CAN'T do that. It is my thang. It is my signature move. It-is-what-I-LIVE-for.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
EYE Needed to See the Dogter Cuz EYEs a Little Poorly
I don't know if you can tell but my RIGHT eye is hurting me. Mommy noticed I was closing it a lot and it was a little GOOPY. She wasn't aware of me hurting it but clearly something happened. So she waited a couple of days to see if the OUCH would clear up on its own (my eye was not RED or SWOLLEN or in DANGER). When it didn't get dramatically better then she decided it needed a professional touch.
By the way, have you noticed A LOT of pugs having eye issues this summer? Could it all be related to GLOBAL warming or something?
I have an ULCER, basically a scratch along the surface of my eye. It's not good but not the worse news the DOGTER could have given ME and MOMMY. So I have antibiotics and ointments and anti-inflammatory drugs to take and he said if it does not clear dramatically in 5 days to come back. BUT he doesn't really think it will come to that. And I got two shots which I DID NOT LIKE but Mommy gave me a treat and made it all better.
Oh. AND my weight is a perfect 15.58 pounds and I am otherwise very healthy.
I drag my heels going into the DOGTER office but in truth - I loves loves loves my VET.
Monday, August 20, 2018
I Got The Monday Morning BLUES . . .
I saw Monday on the horizon and shouted "NO! NOT YET!!!" I was having a good weekend and I was not ready for it to end. Why is it the GOOD times go by so quickly and yet the moments of tedium seems to drone on and on?
But I faced MONDAY full on, determined to make it work. I got up with unusual enthusiasm, and I gobbled down my breakfast as if I was fueling up for a marathon. In a way, I was. It is the MARATHON of MONDAY - miles and miles to the finishline of the day.
I finally (after less than 1 hour of MONDAY MORNING) said FORGET it! I am heading back to bed. Wake me up when it is Tuesday and I can THINK clearly.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Searching for My BFF - a Sunshine #chewyinfluencer Review
This is a picture of the goodies in my Chewy USA Goody Box. I really like the picture so I am recycling it |
I am always on the lookout for MY BEST FRIEND. I have not really every had one other than family. I am not sure that counts. But it is important to know WHO HAS YOUR BACK and THAT, to me, is what a BFF is all about.
Looking back on my past searches, I realize now that I was looking for the WRONG THING. I was looking for a fellow mammal and that was just not happening. But then, this month, Chewy.com was offering BEST FRIENDS FOREVER to review and I thought, why not? So much easier to purchase a BFF than to find one. So I said Y.E.S. to reviewing.
Imagine my surprise when my new BFF arrived and it was FOOD! How? What? Who?
Is this the best packaging or WHAT? |
But before I could get upset, I realized that this was EXACTLY the kind of Best Friend I needed! Think about it - what is my main BFF criteria? Well in a nutshell, must "have my back." And you know what, BFF the FOOD really really does. Here's what I mean -
The BFF Potluck O' Pouches Variety Pack Grain-Free Cat Food Pouches is a convenient collection of flavors for kitties. In the rainbow-adorned package are 12 pouches that are 2.8 oz each. There are 6 flavors of food: Duck and Salmon; Chicken, Turkey, Salmon; Lamb and Tuna; Chicken and Tuna; Chicken and Shrimp; and Beef and Chicken all covered in a savory gravy.
Okay, that's cool you say. But how does that "Have My Back?"
I say this because BFF is not just tasty, but it is GOOD FOR THE KITTY as well. Each pouch of grain-free food contains mostly protein. And that, my dear furiends, is what KITTIES thrive on. In addition, BFF contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which are necessary for a balanced diet. And BFF also helps with hydration (very important for kitties, especially when they get older) because the gravy supplies much needed fluids.
And the portioned pouches are a perfect serving or can be split into a couple of servings (just fold the pouch and it stays fresh) and mixed with crunchy kibble. Oh my! Just talking about this makes my mouth water.
This is exactly how BFF was FIRST served to me - mixed with my kibble for a delightful burst of flavor and a satisfying crunch all in one meal time. It was heaven.
I found my BFF - I am so happy to call it MINE.
For this reason, I am awarding the BFF Potluck O' Pouches Variety Pack the
**I received one variety pack of BFF free of charge from Chewy.com in exchange for an honest review. I am all about the honesty. I received no cash for this review and all opinions belong to this KITTY alone.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
At Her Feet At All Times
Who is the most important HUMAN in my life? Well, there are two and I call both of them MOMMY. Sometimes you cannot tell which of my Mommys I am talking about.
(BTW, I DO know how to spell the plural of "mommy" I just choose not to)
It's okay because I love them equally. That is why I stand to the side until they decide where and how to sit - AND THEN - I will sit down at their respective feet. If they are BOTH sitting at the same time and place, I will usually lay down between them. It is what I do.
When they are cooking, you can find me standing at their ankles or laying down nearby. It isn't always because I am looking to score dropped food. THAT is when I "help" Aunt T cook. No, when Mommy and Mommy are cooking, I NEED to be close by them. It is a need.
I don't want to analyze it too much because I think this desire to stand, sit or recline near MOMMY's feet is out of L-O-V-E for her (and her). I do dearly love my mommys and want them in my sight at all times.
That's all I wanted to say . . .
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Ode to a PUGMOM
Oh Mommy Dear, on this DAY
I celebrate everything YOU
For all the times you comfort Me
For all the things you DO
On this day, I want to say
I can't imagine NOTHIN'
Better than the time we spend
You and ME are SUMTHIN'
Happy Day Mommy Dear
Lets quit poem-ing and EAT
There's birthday CAKE over there
And a slice would be real neat
I realize I made this POEM a little about me
But you gotta know Mommy Dear
Love and you is ALL I see
Monday, August 13, 2018
I Don't See It
Me in all my BEAUTIFUL Pugness
Costco's Version of a PUG
Where are the wrinkles?
What's with the white tummy?
Friday, August 10, 2018
Friday's News From the Water Cooler
Happy Friday Peeps and Pups. It is I, Noodles the Pug, with the happenings from my CORNER of the World.
1. No - I still have not found my FOOTHILLS. Mommy says they are just hiding behind a shroud of smoke. I am hoping she is right. This is the worst it has ever been. I mean, we often have smoke nestle in our VALLEY from wildfires elsewhere in NORCAL; but this is by far the longest and the worst I can ever remember. It is because of an accompanying OZONE INVERSION LAYER which is keeping air more or less stagnant. We have breezes but nothing strong enough to move the smoke. What we NEED is a return of our MARINE layer which makes our temperatures so famously mild. I heard a rumor that it will return next week. Hopefully my FOOTHILLS will return then as well.
2. My little (?) cousin is all set to start school next week. In fact, most of the schools in our area are returning as well. That means EVERYPUGGY driving a car or truck needs to put on their AWARENESS CAPS and be extra vigilant on the streets. There will be A LOT of little ones out and about in mornings and afternoons. Our street gets especially busy when school is in session because it is a main artery to TWO schools. All of the drop off and pick up traffic goes right by our house. We have to time our trip exactly so we have a SHOT at getting out of the driveway on time.
3. Mommy #2 and Aunt B have MILESTONE birthdays next week. They are twins, you know, and sometimes it is HARD to tell who is WHO. Even me in all my exaulted deducing will confuse their voices. That is the REAL REASON why I never come when first called. I wait and wait and wait until I KNOW who is calling.
I think we are planning BIRTHDAY CAKE for them. I know I am counting on it. Since it is during the week I don't think they will do much more than cake and presents. BUT I will be waking MOMMY #2 up with lots of kisses and snuggles for her big day. She appreciates my attention to details, I know.
4. Even though "Summertime" is ending because school is back in session, the hottest days of the years are still ahead. Our summer weather pattern lasts until well into September, and often October. This is the time of year Mommy does a lot of canning of fruits she buys or is gifted. I love love love when Mommy makes jams and jellies because I get to HELP her with the fruit. How, you ask? Well I sit very close so when a piece is not quite jammable but it otherwise fine, I can help DISPOSE of it. I am more than happy to do so. Mommy has her thinking cap on for unusual flavor combinations - some of her faves from last year were Apricot Habanero, Fig Lemon, and Peach Chardonnay.
That's about it for the week. A lot was accomplished this week (2 reviews, one flea post, and Mommy made yogurt that I can totally eat) with a lot more coming up. We've got a packed weekend which I am sure will include a few NAPS.
TGIF and have great ADVENTURES this weekend.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Who Took My Foothills?
I have a problem. My FOOTHILLS have gone missing and I don't know where they could be. They are usually right here
I live very close to the hills - less than a mile - so I am pretty used to seeing them on a daily basis. But today, this is what my view looks like
I don't see any HILLS, do you? That's what I mean! They have gone missing and I do not know where they can be.
And while I am at it, the stars were missing last night as well. Normally we see a good number of them - especially the biggies, MARS, SATURN, VENUS and the constellations ORION, BIG AND LITTLE DIPPERS, and (this time of year) LEO. We do a lot of star watching at our house. But not lately.
Now that I am thinking about it, I am sure the many many terrible wildfires burning in California right now has something to do with the disappearance of my FOOTHILLS.
I'm gonna go investigate that right now. I'll get back at you with my findings.
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
BeFLEA Me - It's No Fun . . . A Noodles the Pug PSA
NOTE: I do not have FLEAS because my Humans prevent them from joining our household. I do, however have YOGURT on my chin and cheeks |
There are few things worse than itchy skin caused by FLEAS. I have had them, I will not lie. But my HUfamily goes out of its way to prevent them from entering the home. And if they do happen to hitch a ride, seldom do they have time to set up residency.
![]() |
www.thepestkillers.com |
In California, where I live, fleas are in season ALL YEAR ROUND. That is because it is pleasant pretty much all year round. We have cold days . . . and we have wet days . . . but seldom for very long. As a result, having a game plan against fleas is really important for everyPUGGY'S peace of mind.
There are many ways to prevent FLEAS from becoming a problem - some are chemical, granted. Many are natural, though, and are therefore friendlier to the environment and pet health. I wanna make you aware of some of the natural ways you can stop F-L-E-A-S (even the word makes me itchy).
I want you to know, I had to GOOGLE this info. I don't know it. I am the recipient of it. I expect the HUMANS to KNOW this stuff. But my HUMOM says she has to GOOGLE this stuff too; and that she mixes it up all the time as sometimes the effectiveness goes away the longer you use a solution. Therefore, she says, constantly being on the lookout for something new is very important.
Cleaning and vacuuming are two of the best ways to rid your home of fleas. Once they are spotted, the area needs to be stripped of bedding and pillows and anything else where a flea can make a home (area rugs, for example.) Some effective cleaners and powders are vinegar and water, essential oil solutions, powdered garlic and diatomaceous earth. Remember, this action needs to be repeated over the course of a month or more as fleas quickly lay eggs which hatch creating more fleas. The cycle has to be broken with repeated treatments.
What can you do to rid and relieve your PET or YOURSELF of fleas? That's a little trickier especially for small pets as their skin and systems are sensitive. Feeding your dog small amounts of garlic can help. Emphasis on small amount as large amounts of garlic are very harmful to a dog or cat. Use fresh organic garlic that you chop yourself and it should be okay. (Check with your vet for the proper amount.) Apple cider vinegar balances the dog's PH levels and prevents fleas from considering their coats as home. A homemade spray from essential oils is also a good preventative to use on your pet. Be careful - while most oils are safe for Fido and Kitty, some essential oils are toxic to animals. Rosemary as a flea dip is very effective as well (and makes your pet smell fresh as well). If you have a lemon tree, you are in luck! Citrus is a natural pest repellent and even something as simple as rubbing some lemon on your dogs coat will prevent fleas from landing.
At the end of the day, flea prevention and relief is a matter of being diligent. Here are some sites I explored for this post. Good luck and have an ITCH FREE day.
- http://untrainedhousewife.com/5-natural-home-flea-remedies-that-actually-work
- https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/best-home-remedies-fleas/
- https://www.mnn.com/family/pets/stories/7-natural-flea-remedies-cats-and-dogs
- Chewy.com Natural Flea solutions
- https://thepestkillers.com/flea-repellent-for-humans/
Monday, August 6, 2018
ALL American BORN, REARED and WRAPPED #chewyinfluencer
I am a proud American CAT. I was born in the USA. I live in the USA. And I AM the USA. Everything about me is nurtured in the Red White and Blue and I am very very proud of it.
So when Chewy.com approached me about reviewing a CAT GOODY BOX they have designed, I said SURE. It is my duty to promote good ol' American ingenuity and industry. That is what the Made in the USA Goody Box is all about - USA Pride (and some yumminess along the way).
If you know ANYTHING about the Goody Boxes from Chewy.com, then you know what a bargain they are. Lotsa wholesome treats and toys are included for the price (which is very competitive in the pet gift niche). They are well thought out with an eye for pet age, allergies, and health. This is all very important especially when considering the senior kitties, like myself.
- Blue Buffalo Kitty Yums
- The Missing Link Ultimate Feline Health Formula
- Instinct Raw Boost Mixers
- Natural Balance Platefulls (2 pouches)
- Clean Protein canned cat food (2 cans)
- Pet House Candle (lavender)
My oh my oh my. . . That is quite a HAUL. All items are FULL SIZE, not sampler, and represent quite a savings over ala carte purchasing.
Every item in the goody box is made and packaged in the USA. Is that a WOW or what?
And it is all nestled in a sturdy yet colorful box which can be totally used for a KITTY bed after removing the goodies, if you ask me.
I was immediately rewarded for posing with ample quantities of the Blue Buffalo Kitty Yums. They are - YUM.
Molly wanted to get in the act so she is pretending to be like VANNA WHITE and show you all the goodies |
Let's hear it for the RED, WHITE, and BLUE and Chewy.com's Made in the USA Goody Box for CATS. It is a great gift for new pet PAWrents or to celebrate a long time FURmembers of the family. And like all Chewy.com GOODY BOXes, shipping is free.
**I received free of charge from Chewy.com a Made in the USA Goody Box for Cats so I could experience it by opening, tasting and reviewing all items enclosed. I am not paid for this post and all opinions in the BLOG belong the the BLOG owner.
Thursday, August 2, 2018
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