Thursday, May 9, 2019

Sweet 16 - Again?

Yesterday was Sunshine's 16th BIRTHDAY. That's kind of a big deal in CAT years. It's a big deal in DOG years as well. To Sunshine, it was no big deal. WHY? Who knows. She is secretive like that.

I have a theory about that. I think we have LOST TRACK of Sunshine's age and keep celebrating her 16th. Or maybe it is more like the "I'm only 39" thing that SOME people use - over and over and over again.

In any case, we celebrated. Well, SHE celebrated. Only Sunshine got a special meal with a candle in it. Only Sunshine got to eat at a special time. We just ran around yipping "Happy Birthday" and expecting a CAKE that never came.

I do want to add - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (no matter what number it really is) Sunshine the CAT! You are the best sisteroid in the WORLD.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Happy Birthday Sunshine
(did she really not SHARE cake with you Noodles???? I daren't say that out loud just in case I get the smacky paw treatment)
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx