Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hide 'n' Seek

What can be better than a friendly game of Hide 'n' Seek? I LOVE to be invisible (altho' sometimes my humans look at me like they can still SEE me)!

I have a few favorite places to hide . . . like behind the honeysuckle bush in the yard . . . behind a basket of laundry upstairs . . . but my most favorite place to hide . . .?

Mommy #2's bedroom!

Shhhhhhh. Don't tell my humans because then they will know where to find me. I love going into my Mommy #2's room. She has a big bed that is high enough for me to crawl under and she has this blanket thing that goes all the way to the ground. No one can see me. And if I am really really really quiet . . .

HIDE 'n" SEEK!!!!!!

Mommy #1 and I like to play with the Lil' One outside. There are swings (kinda scary) and my swimming pool to play on. But most of all, she likes to play Hide 'n' Seek. Me too.I am  really good at hiding and I usually  help the SEEKER find the HIDER by being where the hider is in plain sight.


Huh???? Did you say I am doing it all wrong?


Guess I won't be asked to play anytime soon.


Those Elgin Pugs said...

Hello Noodles!!

You are just too cute and very smart!!
We love the way you play HIND 'n'SEEK!! So clever!!
Maybe you can give me some pointers on how to find me goofy sister Josie. She hides in her toy box, but 'den sneaks out and goes somewheres else??


Those Elgin Pugs said...


We are catching ups on yous bloggy and it's a riot!! We loves yous Hello nite song!!!! Hee Hee!!!

IzZY, Josie (she found me) and Anakin Man

Noodles said...

I loves me some good friends, too. Thanks for joining my site and enjoying my blogs. (Shhhhh, they are written by Mommy #2 and her 11 yr old daughter Mommy #1).
I have silently followed your exploits for some time. You Elgin Pugs are goofy.