Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Wild For Wild Flowers - a Stroll Through SUNOL Regional Wilderness

Confession time - Mommy DID NOT take me hiking at the Sunol Regional Wilderness park. She and Auntie B went and left me at home. I would have loved it but they were unsure if I could handle the path they chose. In truth, probably not. But when she got home, Mommy shared all of her photos of wild flowers with me and explained what they were. She is like that - always teaching me and Mommy #1 a thing or two.

Before I show you some of her photos, though, let me tell you something about this park. It is about 20-25 minutes from my house and is between Fremont and Pleasanton. Auntie B lives in Pleasanton. It is nestled in the Calaveras Mountains which run along the eastside of our Valley and are between Tracy/Modesto and Santa Clara Valley. The park is amazing because you can see many varieties of wild flowers as well as old old Live Oak.

It was a perfect day for hiking - a cool breeze and occasional sunshine made it very tolerable for Mommy (she sunburns very quickly despite sunscreen).

Bush Monkey Flower also known as Sticky Monkey Flower

Miner's Lettuce

California Buttercup and Long Beaked Filaree

Blue-eyed Grass

Variable-leaf Nemophilia

Purple Owls Clover

California Poppy

Field of Poppies

Bundle of Owl Clover

Arroyo Lupine and Long-beaked Filaree

Mystery flower - Can you Identify it?

Morning Glory and Long-beaked Filaree

Blue Witch

Woody Woodpecker tree

Rough Cat's Ear


Milk Thistle


Fuzzy foto of Blue Dicks


Two French Bulldogs said...

Those flowers are beautiful
Lily & Edward

Pug Slope said...

Wow! So many varieties! Those poppies are really pretty.
