
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
I said . . . . . . . . . . . DUCK!!!!!!!
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Duck Meat Anyone? |
Thanks to Blogville and the resultant visibility I enjoy from being a blogger, I am occasionally approached by pet suppliers to review their sites and their products. I admit, I also receive free products from them to review and enjoy. I try not to let this influence how I view a site or business. But I want you all to know, this review was prompted by a email from them.
When Prime Pet Supply contacted me about reviewing their site in exchange for free treats - I said SURE. I'm a PUG, after all. I have a pre-existing condition to LIKE and CRAVE treats. But Mommy said HOLD ON THERE NOODLES! You cannot get just ANY treats. You have your health and your weight to consider. So before I hit the SEND button to accept the mission, Mommy went to Prime Pet Supply's website to check out the proffered TREATS. She also checked out the website for usability, ease of navigation, quantity of supplies, types of supplies, and over all appearance or the site. She was really impressed with it and the company behind it. They carry everything Pet Related from food to leashes. A lot of the shampoos and grooming aids are organic and skin friendly. This is a very TOPICAL subject for me because I just had a bath related SKIN irritation. And they really focus on offering the most natural and organic manufactured food available. Mommy smiled.
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www.primepetsupply.com |
Here's what she found out about Duck Meat Treats
- Made in the USA
- All Natural
- No artificial preservatives (very important)
- 100% American Sourced
Mind you, Mommy is not on the ONLY buy American bandwagon, but what these bullet points said to her is the sources are more local and more regulated - and that makes it a good thing. The treats have no artificial fillers or colors either.
Mommy took her search ONE STEP FURTHER, as usual, and checked out the company, Etta Says, who makes the treats. Here's what she found:
THE COMPANY IS RUN BY A DOG!!!!! That is what I said. . . Etta is a DOG!!! Check it out:
Good enough for me!!! |
She checked out some other things about the company, like their ECOness and their CARBON pawprint, and so on. Then she went back to PRIME PET SUPPLY and checked out what they offer besides the AWESOME SOUNDING Etta Says. All in all, she liked what she saw and gave me the PAWS up to go ahead with the review. I hit SEND and received the treats within the week.
The treats are as yummy as they sound - although too big for Molly Picky Eater to enjoy. We got one bag of crunchy and one bag of freeze-dried. She tried both and gave up. So I helped her out by quickly consuming hers because I really really really like them. And as you know, I have a tough time accepting just any liver treat. It must be as tasty as it is healthy. And forget the LOW FAT kind.
We have not ordered from Prime Pet Supply yet but if their CUSTOMER CARE is a awesome as the CARE they take with their BRAND choice, it must be A+. Check them out. Let me know of any experience you have with this website. I would love to know.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Ballpark to Dogpark
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Oakland Athletics circa 1969 |
My Mommy #2 on Saturday went to the ballgame without me. She took the Lil' One because she cannot remember the last time we took her. And at 7 years old, Lil' One would not have remembered going anyhow. It just so happened that the Oakland Athletics were having a Turn Back the Clock event and they were giving away GROOVY teeshirts. Mommy even got into the HIPPIE spirit by wearing a headband and a tie-dye tee shirt.
It wasn't MY adventure, exactly, but with her gone all day my Saturday was not the same. So I helped Mommy #1 spend the day in her peejays, clean up her room, watch "How I Met Your Mother" on the 'puter, and do laundry.
I am a very good helper |
Sunday was a little different. Mommy #2 spent the whole day at home watching "Harry Potter" movies and making White Peach Jam. Auntie B came over for a short visit but just enough for me to ACT LIKE A CRAZY PUG and say hi to her. She is so fun! After she left and Mommy's jam was done, she packed me, Molly and my two COUSINS in the car and drove us to the DOG PARK. It was the perfect late afternoon for a romp around the park. Sunny with a nice breeze off the foggy coast.
At first there were just a couple of chihuahuas and a mix breed of mini at the park. We walked around and finally parked in the shade where we refused to play or have anything to do with them. It wasn't anything about them, I THINK. Lil' One threw a tennis ball around hoping to enlist one of us in a game of catch. AS IF!!! I, Noodles the Pug, do not do FETCH.
Suddenly the dog park was full of MOLLYs!!! Or nearly so. I have never seen so many white fluffy doglets!!! It was crazy. Next thing you know, Molly is tearing up the yard running with the MOPS. I pouted a little until I noticed there were THREE PUGS there as well! One was an oldster named Trunks, the other two were 6 year old siblings. The girls was named Sasha but I never caught the boy's name. I think it might just be HE because that is what his humans called him.
We had a meet and greet and were cordial with each other. Then I went back to my Mommy UNTIL some poodle mix SAT ON ME! You heard me. . . sat on me. So I chased him. Not in anger, I must insist. No, I was smiling the whole time I was making him run. I think he sat on me just by accident - and maybe to get my attention a little.
We were at the DOG PARK for an hour or so - until we got tired out and it began to get cool. At that point there were some BIG DOGS in the small dog area and it was getting a bit chancy to stay.
How was your weekend?????
Friday, July 26, 2013
Summer Fun and Free Weekend
It's FRIDAY again! What ever shall I do for my WEEKEND??? I know the house will be a beehive of activity because EVERYONE is home.
In preparation for this weekend, I am resting up and reserving my energy. Who knows what's in store! It could be a whole lotta WALKIN' or something like that.
Summer is such a fun time of year -
I have a lot on tap for next week. I am testing some new treats which I hope are super good. I will let you know. We were gonna start this LAST week but SOMEPUGGY kept scarfing down her and MOLLY'S food and was therefore put on a NO TREAT regimen for a few days. So unfair. It is not my fault THAT MOLLY refuses to eat her food. Why let it go to waste?
I am also planning on a PLAY HOOKY day with my Mommys that is shaping up to be Uber Spectacular.
So go out and play - then check back here on Monday. It will be an ADVENTURE.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Bowl Me Over
I recently got a new bowl. The one I have previously been eating out of is now 4 years old and was showing wear and tear. Mommy has been looking at bowls for a long long time and just couldn't settle on anything. She read reviews, looked at the pet stores for a selection of types, and on and on. She was a little dismayed because nothing seemed quite right.
Dog Bark Collar Store to the rescue. As you know, I have a collar from them that I simply adore. It is BRIGHT pink which I TOTES ROCK, and best of all it has my NAME on it. Well their marketing firm contacted Mommy recently about writing a blog for them. In return, they offered her a personalized dog training bowl which is meant to help a dog slow down when it eats. Being that I am a PUG, eating fast is my passion and my. . . failing. I sometimes choke on my food if it is too small. I used to have one of those feeding balls which slowed me down a lot - but I figured out how to chuck it from my bowl and one day IT BROKE!
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The Chow Trainer Bowl |
Before committing to the job, Mommy checked out the Chow Trainer Bowl on the site STORE. She could not believe how nice the bowl looked. It is stainless steel and has a well inside to make a dog or PUG work at retrieving the food. She liked what she saw so she said yes. Check out our post HERE.
It took about a week before the bowl arrived. When it did I could hardly wait to open the package. I am amazed at how lovely the bowl looks - and it is so sturdy and heavy. I cannot even push it around the kitchen like I used to do with my other bowl.
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Although kinda big for a Pug, in this photo it looks a lot bigger than it really is |
There is a negative to the bowl, though. Despite being lovely and having my name on it, I CANNOT eat from the personalized top side. It is too deep and I tried so long I got frustrated. BUT Mommy, on the advice from Auntie T, turned it over and it became the PERFECT feeding bowl for me. It has a nice deep well and sits up a little higher so I don't hunch over when I eat. I actually LOVES LOVES LOVES my new bowl.
So we thank DOG BARK COLLAR STORE, again.
One last word - and this is for them as much as you - finding items OTHER than the bark collar is really really hard. I have had to be specific about the items I wanted and rely on GOOGLE to find anything. Hopefully DBC will redo their site soon to make shopping easier. They have such good, high quality products that it would be a shame to hide them from the world.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Paradise is not LOST but is a Little Waylaid
The weather has been so weird here
It is cloudy and dark which is so wrong
It is muggy and booming which is not so normal
A trickle of rain here and there, nonseasonal
Did someone forget this is sunny Cal?
It should be dry and hot and bright
A gentle breeze off the ocean blue
Where's the perfect weather of Paradise?
Monday, July 22, 2013
A Pig's Ear BUT It's NOT a Beer
These are not good pictures of us
with our PIG'S EARS
Why? You ask? Well, according to Mommy, she couldn't get us to STOP CHOMPING long enough to get a decent photo!
Yes, they are THAT good.
My regular readers know that occasionally I will succumb to a marketer's plea to try something new and do a review. Why do I do it? Well, overtly it is to try new things for free that perhaps we have no access to OR perhaps is out of our budget. But in addition to this OBVIOUS reason, I also loves loves loves to share new finds with my FURiends in Blogville. It makes me feel good to know I am helping to spread the word on unique sites to buy pet supplies, on healthier choices at fair prices, and perhaps an unusual good-for-you item that maybe you hadn't thought of before. I know that I am so naive when it comes to a lot of SNACKS out there for a PUG and rely on other bloggers to introduce me to new things.
Some time ago my BFF Bellatrix shared a PIG'S EAR with me. I had never heard of them before and she said they were among her favorite treats. Well, I loved it and asked my Mommy to get me some more. At the time, it was a difficult thing to find. Not only that, but the ones she did find were dry with sharp shards (whattha???) or smelled chemically funky). In a word, they were anything but natural and healthy. The result was that I, NOODLES THE PUG, was not allowed to have any pig's ears until she could find a decent product.
Wouldn't you know it, 2 weeks ago, Mommy got an email from Chewy.com asking if we would be interested in sampling and reviewing some 100% Natural True Chews Pig's Ears. CHEWY.COM to the rescue! How many times before have I said this same thing? Chewy.com is the best when it comes to finding healthy and unusual PUG supplies.
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Chewy.com sells these for $17.99 |
Mommy read the labels and all the info CHEWY.COM sent to her regarding the product. She had learned from experience just how UNNATURAL some natural dog foods can be.
Here is what she found out:
- True Chews are made in the USA in Independence, Iowa
- True Chews are made rawhide free and with no fillers
- True Chews are slow-roasted to give them a dense chewiness
- True Chews are lightly smoked for added flavor
THAT IS ALL!!! No artificial preservatives or colors or flavors.
And they taste FANTASTIC!!! We got one (which lasted a couple of days) each and then when it was gone. . . WE GOT ANOTHER!!! That never happens in our household. Like all treats, My MOMMYS make sure to supervise us when we are chewing them to make sure we do not choke on them. They also take the small pieces away to prevent choking (this is more for Molly because I am pretty sure I can expand my throat to eat ANYTHING!!!). She also makes sure we chew near fresh water.
So I heartily recommend 100% Natural True Chews Pigs Ears for your chewing pleasure and your good health. And, it goes without saying that I recommend Chewy.com to buy your 100% Natural True Chews.
pigs ears,
True Chews,
USA made
Friday, July 19, 2013
Hot Times in the City . . . and Other Places, Too
June is Pet Safety Month
– a topic near and dear to my lil’ PUGGY
I thought about all of the posts I have read lately about leaving pets
and PUGS in cars on hot days (don’t); about avoiding walking your dog on hot
asphalt in the heat of the day; and about keeping your pet calm during
FIREWORKS shows. All sound and sane advice, I tell you.
I decided to join BlogPaws in their Pet Safety Blog Hop. Blogville can always use one more discussion on Summer’s
dangers; but I wanted to AMP UP THE HEAT some and discuss an oft overlooked side
effect of the DOG DAYS of Summer –
Heat Stroke in Pets
I was reminded of the dangers of Heat Stroke when we
attended Dog Day at the Park last month. It was
during the heat wave here in
the Bay Area and it was HOT HOT HOT at the ballpark. There was little or no
shade to be found and even if you found shade - it was still HOT. We were all
queuing up for our parade around the playing field when suddenly the crowd was
buzzing. A large dog (looked like a Borzoi or something similar) had collapsed
and was clearly in distress. The humans were all offering water and cool rags –
anything to bring his (or her??) temperature down.
It was very disturbing.
turned out okay – but nonetheless took THE WHOLE PARADE for the poor dog to
cool down and breathe more normally.
Heat Stroke can cause loss of consciousness, brain damage
and death.
So tell me, do you know the signs of HEAT STROKE in dogs? Here they
are, just to remind you:
· panting excessively
· have redness around his eyes
· show signs of weakness
· irritability
· may start vomiting
· collapse
· have redness around his eyes
· show signs of weakness
· irritability
· may start vomiting
· collapse
What do you do if your dog or PUG collapses from heat
Ø Hydrate with cool (not cold) water and cool down with and fan (if possible)
Ø Wet down with wet towels or let soak in a tub or pool
Ø If the pet look grayish (other than normal coat color) or the tongue is blue, call a VETERINARIAN or take immediately to the Emergency clinic.
The best CURE FOR HEAT STROKE is to not even get it so –
walk your pet when the temps come down like at night or early morning. Provide
your dog with a nice shady area and lot of cool water so he or she can stay
And most of all
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Getting My Odori On
The SECOND weekend in July is a very important one in my household. That is the weekend of the Obon (a Japanese festival honoring the spirits of ones ancestors) in our city's Japantown. Even though we are not Japanese (a few of us are Chinese, including me), the festival has been a Summer highlight in our family since forever.
This year was even more special because SJT, the greatest Taiko group around, was celebrating their 40th anniversary. What ia TAIKO? Well, basically they are drums that originated in the temples of Japan. Today Taiko groups have elevated Taiko to an energetic artform. I really love SJT. For some reasons, their mix of modern and classical Japanese rhythms really comfort my little PUGGY soul. I was especially keep to catch their performance.
Auntie B came by to get us. I was all ready in my special KIMONO. It is not necessary to wear traditional clothing to the OBON. Most people attend in everyday clothing. Kimonos and Happi are donned for dancing the Odori (Japanese traditional dance), though.
After SJT concluded their wonderful performance, it was time for the CHIDORI band to play and shortly afterward, the ODORI began. The Odori is really cool because all of the dancers enter the stage area by DANCING down 5th Street. Close you eyes and imagine a HUNDRED (it seems) kimono clad dancers slowly making their way down the street while performing a classical dance. It was AWESOME!!! I really think this is my favorite part - aside from the food, that is. Afterward, we ate some MOCHI ice cream which was the perfect SWEET note to end our Obon adventure.
This year was even more special because SJT, the greatest Taiko group around, was celebrating their 40th anniversary. What ia TAIKO? Well, basically they are drums that originated in the temples of Japan. Today Taiko groups have elevated Taiko to an energetic artform. I really love SJT. For some reasons, their mix of modern and classical Japanese rhythms really comfort my little PUGGY soul. I was especially keep to catch their performance.
Auntie B came by to get us. I was all ready in my special KIMONO. It is not necessary to wear traditional clothing to the OBON. Most people attend in everyday clothing. Kimonos and Happi are donned for dancing the Odori (Japanese traditional dance), though.
First up - the food court. FOOD????? Oh yes. We are talking Sushi folk. If you recall my Mommy #2 make
me some sushi now and then. It is simply seasoned rice (sushi) wrapped in seaweed (nori). But I loves loves loves it. We also tried a little Iwanaga-yaki which is a waffly thingy with sweet red bean in the middle. I only got a little - I didn't want to pop my OBI from too much good food.
By the time we finished, it was time for SJT. They were GREAT, as usual. It was hot and sunny on the streets where they performed; but you would never know it by the energetic way they played. At one point they motioned for me to join them. OMP!!!! A dream come TRUE!!!!
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What an honor!!!! |
After SJT concluded their wonderful performance, it was time for the CHIDORI band to play and shortly afterward, the ODORI began. The Odori is really cool because all of the dancers enter the stage area by DANCING down 5th Street. Close you eyes and imagine a HUNDRED (it seems) kimono clad dancers slowly making their way down the street while performing a classical dance. It was AWESOME!!! I really think this is my favorite part - aside from the food, that is. Afterward, we ate some MOCHI ice cream which was the perfect SWEET note to end our Obon adventure.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Crouching on the Couch
I'm just waiting
for my Mommys to return from work.
I do this 5 days a week.
You would think
I would get bored
of the same routine
day in and day out.
But I do not.
It is very very important
that I wait for my Mommys.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Wonderful Watermelon

Photos by Jennifer Voorhees, mama to Noodle and Mochi
If you have never tried WATERMELON, then you owe it to yourself to do so before the summer is over. Now is the BEST time to get fresh watermelon. We had some at my birthday party a week ago and I must say IT WAS THE HIT of the party.
Some of the reasons WATERMELON is so good for puggys are:
- It is a naturally sweet and fresh juicy treat
- It is 70% water, it can help rehydrate and make us PUGS feel cooler on a warm day
- Most importantly for PUGS - it is low calorie
- It is loaded with antioxidants and glutathione to keep puggies healthy
All of this rings true for dogs like Molly, as well. The only caution MY MOMMYS would add to this is watch how much your puggy eats and what kind of reaction he or she might have from eating WATERMELON. There are vicious rumors circulating around MY KINGDOM that my watermelon indulgences give me horrid smelly FARTS!. I do not believe it - never having NOTICED any smelly farts emanating from ME.
But, you know. . . somePUGGY might.
Get out there today and enjoy yourself a melon.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Maintaining PUG Princessness on a Budget
I am writing this post is in partnership with the Dog Bark Collar store. If any of you recall my BRIGHT PINK TOUGHHOUND Sport COLLAR, then you kinda know who they are. Although their focus is on training tools, they are also concerned about pet safety, pet health and pet owner well-being.
I am a Princess PUG and as such, I expect the best of everything. But that does not mean I spend extravagantly. No-Sir-ee!!! I keep a keen eye out for a bargain or two. And if something is FREE, then give me THREE.
But My Mommys take this a step further and look for ways to make what we have go further and last longer. It isn't easy, but I think they have come up with some solid methods.
Method of Saving #1:
My Mommys feed me a HIGH QUALITY pet food which costs a little more. She does this because what she feeds me is important to keeping me healthy and well fed. But she feeds me only a small amount - less than a full feeding - and augments the meal with fresh veggies (sometimes from our garden), fruit, yogurt, and sometimes a little coconut oil. It makes me healthier AND makes the bag of food last longer.
Method of Saving #2:
We discovered just how good our local Humane Society was when I needed shots but Mommy could not afford the Vet fees on top of the cost of shots. Not only does our local Humane Society provide all shots for cost only, but they also provide microchipping and DNA tests. They do not replace veterinarian care BUT for things like shots they are a much thriftier solution.
Method of Saving #3:
Mommy enters contests to win things like collars, treats, beds, toys, and so on. She doesn't always win, but when she does . . . well, let's just say this Princess PUG is pretty well dressed due to Lady Luck. And usually these contests are fun, fun, fun. What have you got to lose? Nothing! And you might save a buck or two on items you would LIKE to have but just can't fit into your budget.
I guess the main point of all of this is - you can still SPOIL the PUG without running yourself into the POORHOUSE. Look around at some of the little things you do to save money and let me know. I would love to hear back from all of you with tips for $AVING.
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Me modeling my All-Sport Collar |
I am a Princess PUG and as such, I expect the best of everything. But that does not mean I spend extravagantly. No-Sir-ee!!! I keep a keen eye out for a bargain or two. And if something is FREE, then give me THREE.
But My Mommys take this a step further and look for ways to make what we have go further and last longer. It isn't easy, but I think they have come up with some solid methods.
Method of Saving #1:
My Mommys feed me a HIGH QUALITY pet food which costs a little more. She does this because what she feeds me is important to keeping me healthy and well fed. But she feeds me only a small amount - less than a full feeding - and augments the meal with fresh veggies (sometimes from our garden), fruit, yogurt, and sometimes a little coconut oil. It makes me healthier AND makes the bag of food last longer.
Method of Saving #2:
We discovered just how good our local Humane Society was when I needed shots but Mommy could not afford the Vet fees on top of the cost of shots. Not only does our local Humane Society provide all shots for cost only, but they also provide microchipping and DNA tests. They do not replace veterinarian care BUT for things like shots they are a much thriftier solution.
Method of Saving #3:
Mommy enters contests to win things like collars, treats, beds, toys, and so on. She doesn't always win, but when she does . . . well, let's just say this Princess PUG is pretty well dressed due to Lady Luck. And usually these contests are fun, fun, fun. What have you got to lose? Nothing! And you might save a buck or two on items you would LIKE to have but just can't fit into your budget.
I guess the main point of all of this is - you can still SPOIL the PUG without running yourself into the POORHOUSE. Look around at some of the little things you do to save money and let me know. I would love to hear back from all of you with tips for $AVING.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Birthday Extravaganza
I am one lucky PUG! I had the birthday party to beat ALL birthday parties AND I got to celebrate with all my FAVORITE FURiends (limited to who lives in my area, mind you). This will be rather photo saturated so bear with me.
Celebrating with me were:
Tiffy, Ellie, Angel, Bellatrix, Beasley, Lizzie, Hanna, Baloo, Noodle, Mochi, Zoey, Phoebe

Celebrating with me were:
Tiffy, Ellie, Angel, Bellatrix, Beasley, Lizzie, Hanna, Baloo, Noodle, Mochi, Zoey, Phoebe
The Food was Yummy

PAWty Animals
Photos by Susie Martinez, Jennifer Voorhees and Emelia Hamilton
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Mochi and Noodle |
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Mochi eats watermelon |
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Me in my new tutu |
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Mochi munchin' |
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Noodle wants more |
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Me with my head in a melon bowl |
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Birthday Girl in her Susie Martinez tutu |
Molly smiling and showing teeth |
Molly nibbling her cake |
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Molly, Phoebe, and Noodles |
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Singing Happy Birthday |
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Hanna and her mom |
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
An Angel Spreads His Wings - RIP Trunks
I had a very different post planned for today - but as has happened all too often lately, the Rainbow Bridge had other plans. My FURiend who I NEVER met in the fur crossed over the bridge last night. He was in a heavy battle with the C Monster. Unfortunately, he just grew too tired to fight anymore.
His Mama, who I have met and who I love a lot, had decided that maybe it was time to let him go. It was decided that TODAY was the day to let him run free. But LAST NIGHT, Trunks made the decision to go ALL BY HIMSELF. He loved his Mama so much that he no longer wanted her to fret over him.
I found out this morning as My Mommys and I looked over Fb. We are all so very sad - but at the same time we are happy Trunks is no longer in pain. So I took the time to write him a little note to let him know how I feel.
Dear Trunks, Please say hi to our beloved FURiends who crossed the Rainbow Bridge before you. You were an amazing fur baby for your mama - you gave her love and happiness above and beyond the call of duty. And when it was your time, you did so quietly and spared her the hardest decision she was ever going to make. Make sure you give her plenty of angel kisses to let her know you are okay. We will miss you Trunks. Love Noodles
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