And this is what they found
Do you see that???? Those are NOT dogs! Those are horses in DOG DISGUISES!!!! OMP, I could not believe it had I not seen it with my own PUGGY eyes.
They stayed there for a while and then Lil' One started to get a little freaked out. I think you can understand why

Those dogs were nearly as BIG as she is and she is SEVEN YEARS OLD!!! She's an adult, for Pete's Sake (isn't she like 49 in DOG years???)!
So she stayed until they sniffed and then she appeared back at the Small Dog side of the Dog Park. I was kinda glad because she likes to run with me and throw me the ball. I don't do anything like FETCH but I humor her by looking EXCITED!
The Big Dog, or HORSE, side stayed busy the whole time we were at the Pug Meet. When we left, one of the big dogs left too but his Mommy made him stay behind a little so he wouldn't scare Molly. I was oblivious.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Big or small a good FURiend is a blessing.
I am also HOPPING along with the Thankful It's Thursday Blog Hop. Check it out for YOURSELF!
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We loves the big dogs- but Mum say a Pug on her walk lately and she was smitten! I think we know what our next brother or sister will be, eheh!
Hehehehe I hope you wouldn't be scared of me!
I love BIG dogs! Whenever I got to the dog park, I like to find a couple of Great Danes or wolfhounds to pal around with.
Where are the big dogs Noodles? Where are they mate?? Just look normal sized to me! Hehehehehe. Take care and have a grreat weekend. No worries, and slobber, Rory and Stella
You are right thoose woofies was BIG as horses :)
Wow, we don't have a divided dog parks here at all. All the dogs play and run in the same area.
I'll admit the crazy, running big dogs scare me sometimes - they think I'm a bunny, especially if I run away. But I have a real soft spot for those ginormous dogs.
BOL! My mommy says those are normal size doggehs! She lovers some big doggehs though! Have you seen our blog once a month with big doggies?
We scream at those big ones
Benny & Lily
We have a Great Dane cousin who is a few inches short of the world record for height. So we get big. He's a big baby though. Thinks he's Chihuahua size.
But he gallops like a horse and then we do avoid him. His paw is as a big as our heads!
We stick to the little dog side as much as possible. Just safer for all of us! We can do some damage to an ankle!
Holy moley! Those are some huge dogs! I'm glad you stayed away, Noodles!
Those are some HUGE dogs!
Stop on by for a visit
Good Lord! They really are some big dogs at the Park. Lucky your such a tough and brave doggie yourself. BOL! Looks like you had everything under control and had a ton of fun!
Thank you so much for joining Thankful Thursday and hope you’ll join in each week, so we can get to know you better. Hugs :=o)
Good Lord! They really are some big dogs at the Park. Lucky your such a tough and brave doggie yourself. BOL! Looks like you had everything under control and had a ton of fun!
Thank you so much for joining Thankful Thursday and hope you’ll join in each week, so we can get to know you better. Hugs :=o)
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