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Noodles, the JUJU FAIRY |
Hi Macey
My name is Noodles and I am a JUJU Fairy pug. Actually, I am just a pug but I have this ability to send JUJU anywhere in the world and help out those in need. Some call it PRAYER - some call it FAITH - I just call it JUJU.
So very early this morning - about 6 a.m. California time to be exact, I got up. I did my bidness as usual; shouted out to my peeps in the neighborhood; and dashed inside to gobble down my morning REPAST (that means meal)! Why the hurry? Well I have something very important to do this morning. . . I need to get the strongest JUJU known to PUGDOM out to a very special little person - YOU.
You see Macey, I have known about you for a very long time - like most of my life and most of yours. I have shared - right along with the rest of BLOGVILLE - all that JOY you bring to your family. I have smiled at your adventures, giggled at your amazing outfits, and well. . . cried a little when you were hurting. Kinda like now. And my biggest hope is to keep on smiling, along with your family, as you go through a long and wonderful life.
What I am trying to say, as I wiggle into my JUJU TUTU and clasp on my JUJU WINGS, is I love you Macey and I am sending you the BIGGEST and BRIGHTEST LOVE I can muster. Hang in there -
Well done Noodles, paws crossed your JUJU Fairy Pugness does the trick.
Lots of POTP coming from us
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
Well said, Noodles!
JUJU from the TUTU Fairy will make EVERYTHINGY much better fur Macey.
You're the Bestest JUJU Fairy ever Noodles. We have our POTP prayers in overdrive today for Macey and family
Mr Bailey & Hazel
Angel Greta too
Well done Noodles, well done!!
Love, Gampy
Lots of hugs to Macey
Lily & Edward
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