Sunday, December 8, 2019

On Bended Knees

Hi EveryPUGGY. It is I - Noodles the Pug in the FURS. Well, not really in the FURS because this is a blog post and NOT snout to snout, as it were. But it is REALLY me and not a DOPPELGANGER or something.

It has been sooooooo long since I have been able to post something for your all. I have missed you all so very much. I hope you miss me too, and aren't just mad at me or no longer interested.

You see - it is that DANG JOB of my Mommy's. Yes, I said D-A-N-G! Because I am piddle peeved that it commands so much of her time away from me. And not only that, she is so busy at work that she has no TIME for the internets and stuff. Then she leaves there AND GOES TO WORK AGAIN so that I only see her an hour or two before bed time.

But I am gonna try and be a better BLOGGER because I gotta say that I LOVE BLOGVILLE and all of its inhabitants - you all are my FURiends and you mean so much to me. I am gonna try very hard - so don't get mad if sometimes I just go MIA again. And if you are mad at me now, well understand that I am trying.


Can you really stay MAD at this PUG MUG??


Matilda the Boxer said...

PHEW, I'm so glad to hear from you! Tell your momma she needs to decide what's more impawtant -- you or some silly old job!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Love that pug mug Noodles!!!
Mabel & Hilda

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you!