The bags fit nicely and easily into the holder for an always ready supply. They are available in scented or unscented depending on the humans picking up the poop. It smells. It's a fact of life. But for those who prefer to walk and smell flowers and not fecal odor, well there is a scented version. Best of all. . . these bags are STURDY so they won't split and create an additional mess (which has happened to me a couple of times). And they are BIG for those times a little bag won't do. There have been walks where Molly and I poop simultaneously and these BIG bags saved (1) Mommy from having to carry 2 bags of poop and (2) the trash from having ANOTHER plastic bag. These lovelies are 9"x 13" so even BIG dog poop will fit.
I absolutely LOVE the FRISCO line of poop products and I am so glad carries them. If I had ONE negative to say about the product it would be -
Mr. McGuire: I just want to say one word to you. Just one word.
Benjamin: Yes, sir.
Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?
Benjamin: Yes, I am.
Mr. McGuire: Plastics.
Benjamin: Exactly how do you mean?
("The Graduate" 1967)
We give FRISCO POOP accessories a soaring 8 Paws up for style, versatility, and usefulness.
*We received these poop bags free of charge for the sole purpose of trying them out and reviewing them. The opinions are ours and ours alone - cuz no one tells Noodles what to do. . .
Hot diggity, my mom says these look a lot better than the huge leftover plastic bags from Target!
This is awesome! We definitely gotta go and use those plastic baggies!
They DO make biodegradable poop bags! Momma buys them sometimes.
Cool poop bags, we have those also, but mom uses those walmart things instead, unless she travels with us. stella rose
we like that poop bag holder!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel
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