Tuesday, January 29, 2019

And THAT'S My Opinion About THAT!

So I was sitting around minding my own business when Sunshine the Cat came RIGHT UP TO MY PUG SNOUT and said she wanted to sleep in the bed I was slumbering in.

No, I said. I am sleepy and comfortable and there are eleventy million beds in this house - pet and human - so I am sure you can find an equally comfortable spot.

She does not take no for an answer, as a rule. I should have been warned. She stared at me for what seemed like a billion years and then walked away. I couldn't believe she gave up so easily.

Some time later, I was thirsty. So I got up out of my comfy bed and got a drink from the water fountain. It was cool and refreshing and I was so relieved to get rid of that thirst. As I rounded the corner on my way BACK to my bed, I suddenly felt this WHOMP! It staggered me! I think I must have passed out a little - for sure my eyesight was weird. When I could see clearly, I saw Sunshine the Cat gazing smugly back at me. THAT, she said, is what happens when you DON'T give me what I want. And with that, she turned and gracefully sauntered over to MY BED. She settled in, purred a little and looked my way. If I am not mistaken, I think I saw a grin on her face.


Idaho PugRanch said...

That was pretty rude if you ask us!
Hazel & Mabel

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Ha!!! I live with one of those "rude" cats too! my mom put a cozy blanket in my bed and who do you think took over the bed? You are right! My kitty brother, Cody! I think we need to give Sunshine and Cody a stern talking to!