Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Monday Following Sunday - It Happens

Seems like only YESTERDAY was Sunday. I remember it well. I slept in, snuggled with Mommy (#1, I was at her suite at college), had a leisurely stroll through the gardens, and ate the most amazingly tasty breakfast ever. And THEN we sat on the couch watching movies and cuddling. It was the best.
Then in the afternoon, Mommy #2 came by to take Mommy #1 grocery shopping and they were gone an eternity. It was fine, though, because then I get quality time with Mommy's roommate. When my mommys returned, I got in the car and came home with Mommy #2! That was good because I was kind of missing her and wishing I could also spend time with her.
And we did. We sat on the couch and boohooed at our hockey team playing poorly and then yippee-ed at our basketball team playing amazingly. Then we watched movies. It was so fun. I sat cuddled on Mommy's lap or nestled at her feet. I switched it up.
And suddenly, before I knew it, it was MONDAY!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Snuggling! That sounds like the pawfect day.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

so glad you got to snuggle with Mama!!

Idaho PugRanch said...

the best Sunday snuggling ever
Hazel & Mabel