Thursday, September 6, 2018

Bed Time With Guests

This is Pablo and Moose who are visiting until the weekend. Pablo totally would be on his own bed but it was soiled and needed to be washed. There are times the boys have shared that brown bed. Not this time. Moose settled in the middle leaving no room for Pablo. Finally Pablo gave up and laid on the ground. I am sure he was comfortable enough. With the thick fur he has he was likely a lot cooler sleeping on the floor.

I curled up in my Costco nest bed. No sharing here! It fits me just right and if I have my way, NO PUGGY other than me is allowed to sleep in it. So far only Sunshine the Cat has tried. We are all scared of her so no one argued when she settled in. But she didn't stay long before something else captured her attention and she was OFF.

Molly was upstairs with Cousin C. That is where she normally goes no matter what. She is so unsociable. I think GUESTS need to be coddled some and made to feel welcome. So even though I PREFER to sleep on Mommy #2's bed, I will happily pull up the floor and sleep along with my FURiends.

1 comment:

Matilda the Boxer said...

You're such a good hostess! I was happy that my cousins didn't balk at me sleeping on Auntie's bed when I was visiting recently.